Lowest % Ad Fraud by ISP

Lowest % Ad Fraud by ISP

Internet service providers with the lowest percentage of bot and ad fraud traffic in Q2, 2022: Jio, Lg Powercomm, SK Broadband, T-mobile USA, and AT&T U-verse. Fraudlogix is a cybersecurity company building bot and ad fraud solutions since 2010. We prevent bots in...
Hourly Bot Activity

Hourly Bot Activity

In Q2 2022, the most active time of day for bots was 1 through 2 p.m. globally in Eastern Standard Time. The least active hours were 9 and 10 p.m. EST. Fraudlogix is a cybersecurity company building bot and ad fraud solutions since 2010. We prevent bots in all...
CTV Ad Fraud %

CTV Ad Fraud %

Fraudlogix categorized 17% of CTV impressions as extreme risk in Q1, 2022. Risk level is based on a higher ratio of suspicious traffic when compared to ‘real’ traffic. Fraudlogix is a cybersecurity company building bot and ad fraud solutions since 2010. We prevent...