5 Most Common Types Of Ad Scams & How To Combat Them

Ad scams, commonly called ad fraud, have emerged as a significant threat to businesses everywhere. These scams generate illegitimate or fraudulent ad interactions, wasting ad budgets and skewing metrics.  Though difficult to calculate exactly, the estimated cost of...

Ad Fraud 101: IP Masking vs Botnets

IP masking and botnets are two methods that are commonly used in ad fraud. While the end result is the same, fraudulent clicks that waste marketers’ money, they are two distinct ad fraud methods that need to be combated separately. IP Masking IP masking refers...

Ad Fraud and Outdated Browser Versions

Ad fraud is a growing issue in the digital advertising industry, estimated to cost advertisers billions worldwide. One way fraudsters carry out ad fraud is by using outdated browser versions and their corresponding user agents. An outdated browser version is one that...