3 Ways To Combat Ad Fraud on Your Platform

3 Ways To Combat Ad Fraud on Your Platform

Advertising, these days, is about more than just reaching the right audience – preventing ad fraud is a necessary precaution that should be part of any ad campaign. That’s because ad fraud is a booming business in itself. Opportunistic marketers may resort to...
How To Detect Ad Fraud

How To Detect Ad Fraud

According to Statista, the estimated cost of digital ad fraud worldwide was 35 billion in 2018. Not concerned yet? What if we told you, it’s expected the cost would triple by 2023 to 100 billion? If you’re worried now, you rightfully should be as fraudsters are...
Why You Need the Best Online Advertising Fraud Detection

Why You Need the Best Online Advertising Fraud Detection

You don’t want anything less than the best for your business. The best ad campaigns, the best online advertising methods, the best ways to grow your customer base and the best partnership with affiliates you can trust. If your goal is to succeed, you shouldn’t settle...